Monday, March 02, 2009

Sun Tech Days 2009 - No Geeks Allowed

For everybody who thought that Sun Tech Days was a technology oriented workshop, the recreational events of Tech Days left them in awe.

The entertainment section of Tech Days was totally amazing.

Jazz Concert

Sun Tech Days 2009 started out with a marvelous performance by Sid, an 11 year old boy who blew our minds off with his spectacular performance on the Jazz. It was a great concert, and a wonderful beginning for the Technical conference.

Rock Concert

Following the technical sessions the first day, the crowd gathered at the main auditorium for a great entertainment evening.

It started off with the rock concert presented by 3 kids, each with his own instrument - Keyboard, Jazz and the Guitar. It was surprising to see such beautiful talent at their age.

Fashion Show & Dance Performances

The rock concert was followed by a fashion show performed by trained models. As most of the attendees were young developers and students, this was a surprise for them and most of them stood in admiration.

The attendees also enjoyed the dance performances a lot. The songs selected were wonderful and provided a great ending for the first day.

Singing Concert

After the technical sessions of the second day, there was a singing concert which bought in a lot of enthusiasm to the crowd.

The crowd was very much involved with the performer and there was no limit to their excitement. However it looked like the concert ended abruptly, probably because of the over-excitement of the audience.

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